
I am still busy beavering away at creating wonderful creatures for a lovely commission which made me think that maybe I should share a few other commissions I have done…So…
This one was commissioned by a friend of a friend to celebrate her sisters first book


It was quite scary but very exciting to do as the background is actually based on the cover of the book. The mouse at the typewriter is the lady writing her book.

I had so much doing this one! My brief was to create a Christmasy painting and a few cards of the family drawn as their nicknames.


The lovely lady loved it so much that she wanted a load more cards printed so she could send them out to all her friends and family.
This still tickles me pink when I look at it! 🙂

What comes after Christmas? Valentines! Squeee!

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My brief was to ‘cartoonise’ this couple, I had some photographes to go from and this is the result! I really love this as it is so cute and colourful! 😀

It is so exciting and slightly scary creating other peoples ideas and bringing them to life. I love it! 😀

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