100 Day Goal – 1st May

This is going to be my third time doing the 100 Day Goal by Julia Bickerstaff. I love doing it as it really helps me focus and stops me panicking, flapping, feeling overwhelmed and getting disappointed in myself. You set yourself a main goal and then spend the 100 days learning about and working on micro-actions to reach your goal. Sometimes the goal and/or micro-actions will change on the way…But that is OK…It’s keeping the dream. Working on it as much as you can. Keeping the focus.
There is an awesomeΒ  Facebook group for the 100 Day Goal where everyone is so lovely, helpful and supportive that it inspires you to keep going and also makes you feel okay if you feel like you are getting behind or failing in your goals.

The first time I did it, my goal was to sell enough Christmas cards to pay for the new ones I was illustrating to be printed. At times I thought I was never going to get there but I stuck it out and actually made my goal happen. Plus I did a commissioned Christmas card design aswell πŸ™‚

Second time, my goals were a bit vague I guess but made sense to me. I have so many plans of what I want to make it really helps having it all written down. My main goal was to start getting the things I want to move my artwork forward, making it into a finished product; wooden boxes to paint on, frames fr my paintings and to start a selection of any occasion cards. Near the end of the 100 days I really thought I wasn’t getting anywhere until I sat down and looked though all my notes and scribbles and I realised I was reaching my goal. I was right where I had (kinda) planned to be πŸ™‚

This time round will be a carry on from my last goal…having the finished products like my paintings available in mounts and/or frames, my little characters painted onto trinket and jewellery boxes, more occasional cards. I am very excited! πŸ˜€ So much so I already have a rough idea of my goal for my fourth time round! Squeeeeeeeee! πŸ˜€


Meanwhile, while I have been busy hatching plans these little guys seem to be having all the funs! Really?! *sigh* πŸ˜‰





I’ve always liked the idea of being one thing in by day and another by night, a bit like a superhero! But it is hardwork! Don’t get me wrong I love my job as a librarian but it doesn’t half get in the way sometimes. I can spend the day daydreaming of what I am going to in the evening then by evening I am too pooped to do anything.
I dream of a time where I can just focus on my doodles, pootling around my imaginary cottage surrounded by (also imaginary) cats and the smell of freshly baked bread and coffee drifting through.

I wonder what Mr Badger is daydreaming of as he stares up at the stars.
Mr Badger 1